JPMorgan Asset Management has released a Form 8.3 public opening position disclosure/dealing disclosure related to Barratt Developments plc. The disclosure, in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, provides key information about the interests and short positions in the relevant securities of Barratt Developments plc held by JPMorgan Asset Management.

As of the latest practicable date prior to the disclosure, JPMorgan Asset Management disclosed that it owned and/or controlled 16,118,886 10p ordinary shares of Barratt Developments plc, representing 1.65% of the total shares. Additionally, the disclosure included details of cash-settled derivatives and stock-settled derivatives, with a total interest of 18,007,829 shares, representing 1.84% of the total shares.

The disclosure also included information about dealings by JPMorgan Asset Management, including purchases of 335 10p ordinary shares at a price of 4.7730 GBP per unit. Furthermore, the disclosure stated that there were no indemnity and other dealing arrangements or agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives.

This disclosure provides valuable insights into JPMorgan Asset Management's position and dealings related to Barratt Developments plc, offering transparency and compliance with regulatory requirements. It is an essential document for investors and stakeholders seeking information about the company's ownership and control of relevant securities, as well as its dealings in the market.