Schroders PLC has disclosed a public opening position in Barratt Developments PLC, representing 0.945% of the relevant securities. The disclosure, made under Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, includes details of interests and short positions in the relevant securities, as well as recent dealings by Schroders PLC. The disclosed dealings include the sale of 131,222 10p Ordinary shares at a price of 5.138 GBP per unit.

The disclosure also indicates the ownership and control of 9,209,776 relevant securities, along with 23,058 cash-settled derivatives. It is noted that Schroders PLC does not have discretion regarding dealing and/or offer acceptance/voting decisions in respect of 49,258 shares that are included in the total ownership and control.

The disclosure further states that there are no indemnity or other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives. Additionally, no supplemental form is attached to the disclosure.

The disclosure was made on 7th August 2024, and the contact person for the disclosure is Conor Tobin, with a telephone number provided for further inquiries.

This disclosure provides insight into Schroders PLC's position and dealings with Barratt Developments PLC, offering transparency in line with regulatory requirements.