JPMorgan Asset Management has released a Form 8.3 public opening position disclosure/dealing disclosure related to Barratt Developments plc. The disclosure, made on 28th May 2024, reveals that JPMorgan Asset Management owns and/or controls 15,246,766 relevant securities, representing 1.56% of the total. Additionally, they hold cash-settled derivatives and stock-settled derivatives, totaling 1.71% and 0.12% respectively. The disclosure also includes details of purchases and sales of Barratt Developments plc's 10p ordinary shares, along with the prices per unit.

The disclosure also mentions that JPMorgan Asset Management is making disclosures in respect of another party to the offer, Redrow plc. The form provides comprehensive information about JPMorgan Asset Management's interests and short positions in Barratt Developments plc, as well as details of any open stock-settled derivative positions and agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities.

Furthermore, the form includes information about cash-settled derivative transactions, stock-settled derivative transactions, and other dealings, such as subscribing for new securities. It also states that there are no indemnity and other dealing arrangements or agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives.

The disclosure provides a detailed overview of JPMorgan Asset Management's positions and dealings related to Barratt Developments plc, offering transparency and insight into their holdings and activities.