JPMorgan Asset Management has released a Form 8.3 disclosure related to Barratt Developments plc. The disclosure, in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, provides key information about JPMorgan Asset Management's interests and short positions in Barratt Developments plc's relevant securities. The disclosure includes details of the relevant securities owned and/or controlled, cash-settled derivatives, and stock-settled derivatives, among other information.

As of the latest practicable date prior to the disclosure, JPMorgan Asset Management holds 16,105,234 ordinary shares of Barratt Developments plc, representing 1.65% of the total shares. Additionally, the disclosure includes information about cash-settled derivatives, stock-settled derivatives, and an increase in the holding of 31,800 Ordinary Shares due to a transfer.

The disclosure also provides details of dealings by JPMorgan Asset Management, including purchases and sales of Barratt Developments plc's relevant securities. It outlines the number of securities involved in each transaction and the price per unit. Furthermore, the disclosure includes information about cash-settled derivative transactions and stock-settled derivative transactions, as well as other dealings, such as subscribing for new securities.

The Form 8.3 disclosure concludes with additional information, including indemnity and other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives, and the absence of any supplemental form attachments. The disclosure was made on 23 February 2024, and the contact person for the disclosure is Natasha Mondon.

This Form 8.3 disclosure by JPMorgan Asset Management provides a comprehensive overview of its positions, dealings, and other relevant information related to Barratt Developments plc's securities, in compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Takeover Code.