Qube Research & Technologies Limited has disclosed its position in Barratt Developments PLC, representing 0.61% of the company's 10p ordinary shares. The disclosure, made under Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, indicates that Qube Research & Technologies Limited holds 5,935,978 cash-settled derivatives in Barratt Developments PLC. Additionally, the disclosure mentions dealings with Redrow PLC.

The disclosed dealings by Qube Research & Technologies Limited include a series of cash-settled derivative transactions involving increasing and decreasing long positions in Barratt Developments PLC's 10p ordinary shares. The transactions range from 82 to 157944 securities, with prices per unit varying from 523.20 GBp to 528.40 GBp.

This disclosure provides insight into Qube Research & Technologies Limited's interests and short positions in Barratt Developments PLC, shedding light on the company's recent dealings and its position in the relevant securities. It offers valuable information for stakeholders and investors tracking these entities.