UBS Securities LLC, an exempt principal trader, has disclosed its position in Barratt Developments plc. The disclosure, made in accordance with Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code, indicates that UBS Securities LLC holds no interests or short positions in the common stock of Barratt Developments plc following the dealing. The disclosure also shows that there have been 34 sales of common stock by UBS Securities LLC at a price of 5.3000 GBP per unit.

The form also states that there are no indemnity or other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives between UBS Securities LLC and any other party. Additionally, no supplemental form 8 (open positions) is attached to the disclosure.

The disclosure was made on 8th February 2024 and includes the contact name and telephone number for further inquiries. It also provides information on the regulatory requirements for public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code, including the requirement to email disclosures to the Takeover Panel and make them to a Regulatory Information Service.

This disclosure provides insight into the position of UBS Securities LLC in Barratt Developments plc and their recent dealings with the company's common stock, in compliance with the Takeover Code.