The Form 8.3 disclosure by FMR LLC and/or its subsidiaries, as well as FIL Limited and/or its subsidiaries, reveals their interests and short positions in BARRATT DEVELOPMENTS PLC. As of 17th April 2024, they disclosed ownership and control of 75,512,011 relevant securities, representing 7.74% of the total. The disclosure also includes details of purchases and sales of 10p ordinary shares, along with the prices per unit. Additionally, the form states that there are no indemnity or other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives.

The disclosure provides a comprehensive overview of the positions and dealings of FMR LLC and FIL Limited in BARRATT DEVELOPMENTS PLC. It offers insight into their ownership and control of relevant securities, as well as their recent purchases and sales of 10p ordinary shares, including the number of securities and prices per unit. The absence of indemnity or other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives is also highlighted in the disclosure.

This Form 8.3 disclosure is a regulatory requirement that provides transparency regarding the interests and short positions of significant shareholders in BARRATT DEVELOPMENTS PLC. It serves to inform the market and stakeholders about the holdings and recent transactions of FMR LLC and FIL Limited, contributing to a more transparent and informed investment environment.