Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc has released a public dealing disclosure related to Barratt Developments plc. The disclosure, made in accordance with Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code, provides key information about the dealings undertaken by the exempt principal trader, Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, on 8th May 2024.

The disclosure includes details of purchases and sales of Barratt Developments plc's 10p ordinary shares, with a total of 3,842,963 securities purchased and 1,626,925 securities sold. The highest price per unit paid for the shares was 4.9150 GBP, while the lowest price per unit paid/received was 4.8605 GBP. Additionally, there were sales of 17,923 securities at a price of 5.6909 EUR.

The form also outlines cash-settled derivative transactions, including the nature of dealing, number of reference securities, and price per unit. This includes increasing and reducing long and short positions, with various quantities and prices per unit for each transaction.

The disclosure provides a detailed insight into the recent dealings and transactions involving Barratt Developments plc's securities by Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc. This information is crucial for investors and market analysts to understand the trading activities and positions taken by the exempt principal trader in relation to Barratt Developments plc.