Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, an exempt principal trader, has disclosed dealings in Ascential plc's securities. The dealings, undertaken on 6th August 2024, include both purchases and sales of 1.7p ordinary shares. The highest price per unit paid for purchases was 5.7000 GBP, while the lowest price per unit received for sales was 5.6651 GBP. Additionally, the disclosure includes details of cash-settled derivative transactions, with the trader increasing and reducing long and short positions in 1.7p ordinary shares.

The disclosure does not include stock-settled derivative transactions or other dealings such as subscribing for new securities. The information provided is in compliance with Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code and is aimed at providing transparency regarding the trader's activities in relation to Ascential plc's securities. This disclosure is part of the regulatory requirements and aims to ensure fair and transparent dealings in the market.