Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, an exempt principal trader, has made public dealing disclosures in relation to Anglo American plc. The dealings, undertaken on 21st May 2024, include purchases and sales of the USD 0.54945 ordinary shares of Anglo American plc. The highest price per unit paid for the shares was 34.1854 USD, and the lowest price per unit paid was 26.5325 GBP. Additionally, the trader has made cash-settled derivative transactions, increasing both long and short positions for the same class of relevant security.

The disclosed dealings by Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc provide insight into the recent trading activities involving Anglo American plc's securities. The information includes the number of securities involved, the nature of dealing, and the prices per unit for both purchases and sales. This disclosure is in accordance with Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code, and it offers transparency regarding the trading activities of the exempt principal trader in relation to Anglo American plc.

The detailed breakdown of the purchases, sales, and cash-settled derivative transactions provides a comprehensive view of the recent trading activities involving Anglo American plc's securities. This information can be valuable for investors and market analysts who are interested in understanding the dynamics of trading and the positions taken by exempt principal traders like Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc in relation to Anglo American plc.