Morgan Stanley Europe SE has released a Form 8.5 (EPT/NON-RI) public opening position disclosure/dealing disclosure related to Anglo American plc. The disclosure includes key information such as the exempt principal trader's name, the offeror/offeree's name, and the date of the position held/dealing undertaken. The form also details the exempt principal trader's positions and short positions in the relevant securities of Anglo American plc, including interests and short positions in various classes of relevant securities.

The disclosure also includes information about dealings by the exempt principal trader, such as purchases and sales of relevant securities, along with the total number of securities, highest price per unit paid/received, and lowest price per unit paid/received. Additionally, it provides details of cash-settled derivative transactions, including the product description, nature of dealing, number of reference securities, and price per unit.

The Form 8.5 (EPT/NON-RI) also covers stock-settled derivative transactions, including options, and agreements to purchase/sell relevant securities. It provides a comprehensive overview of the exempt principal trader's activities related to Anglo American plc, offering insights into their positions, dealings, and transactions involving relevant securities.

This disclosure is a valuable source of information for investors and stakeholders interested in understanding the trading activities and positions of Morgan Stanley Europe SE in relation to Anglo American plc. It provides transparency and clarity regarding the exempt principal trader's involvement with the company's securities, contributing to a better understanding of the market dynamics and trading landscape.