Anglo American plc has disclosed its position as an offeree in relation to relevant securities. The disclosure includes interests and short positions in the relevant securities, as well as rights to subscribe for new securities. The company has also provided details of persons acting in concert with the party to the offer, including directors and their respective holdings of Anglo American plc ordinary shares. Additionally, the disclosure includes the interests of connected advisers such as Goldman Sachs International and Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc.

The disclosure indicates that Anglo American plc does not currently own or control any relevant securities, cash-settled derivatives, or stock-settled derivatives. The company has also stated that it does not have any rights to subscribe for new securities. The interests and short positions of persons acting in concert with the party to the offer have been detailed, including the number of shares held and the percentage of total issued share capital.

Furthermore, the disclosure includes information about the interests of connected advisers, such as Goldman Sachs International and Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, in terms of relevant securities owned or controlled, cash-settled derivatives, and stock-settled derivatives. The disclosure provides a comprehensive overview of the positions and rights related to Anglo American plc and its relevant securities.