RNS Number : 8503HAmigo Holdings PLC29 November 2022

29 November 2022

Amigo Holdings PLC

Interim Financial Results for the six months ended 30 September 2022

Amigo Holdings PLC, ("Amigo" or the "Company"), provider of mid-cost credit in the UK, announces results for the six-month period ended 30 September 2022.

Danny Malone, Chief Executive Officer commented:

"Amigo's recovery continues to make good progress. We recently started a pilot of our new RewardRate product and meetings with potential investors in relation to a capital raise are now also underway. The last date for making claims under the Scheme was 26 November 2022. The indication is that the volume of claims is c.25% ahead of previous expectations. Under the terms of our Scheme of Arrangement, compensation pay-outs will begin next year to customers who are owed redress. It has been a long process of renewal but I'm proud of the journey we have been on. We've built a better company with the right culture and strong underwriting standards. We're now well positioned to support people through this cost-of-living crisis with responsible lending." 


·   Amigo continues to make progress following the sanctioning by the High Court of its Scheme of Arrangement ("the Scheme") in May 2022.

·   The Scheme allows for Amigo to pay compensation to customers with a valid claim for redress for loans which were mis-sold prior to the Company suspending all lending in November 2020.

·   Under the Scheme, all claims were submitted by 26 November 2022. The final number of claimants is being verified. However, the indication is that the volumes of claims are c.25% ahead of previous expectations.

·   Amigo returned to lending in October 2022, post period end, following approval from the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") for a pilot phase to proceed, thereby meeting one of two Scheme conditions set by the Court.

·   The second condition is the completion of a successful capital raise including issuing 19 ordinary shares for every one ordinary share in issue at that time.Work on this is underway and the process must complete by 26 May 2023.

·   On 23 September 2022, Chief Financial Officer ("CFO") Danny Malone succeeded Gary Jennison as Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") and Kerry Penfold joined the Board as CFO; these management changes reflect the transition from turnaround to rebuild and future growth.

Financial headlines

Figures in £m, unless otherwise stated

Six months to

30 September 2022

Six months to

30 September 2021

Change %

Number of customers1





Net loan book2








Impairment: revenue




Complaints provision (balance sheet)




Complaints charge (income statement)




(Loss)/profit before tax




(Loss)/profit after tax3




Adjusted (loss)/profit after tax4




Basic EPS





EPS (Basic, adjusted)5





Net unrestricted cash6




*NM = not meaningful

Financial headlines (cont.)

·   Net loan book reduction of 64.0% to £80.6m (H1 FY2022: £224.1m) and revenue reduction of 72.0% to £15.8m (H1 FY2022: £56.5m), due to the ongoing run-off of the legacy loan book and no new lending during the period.

·   Complaints provision down 44.4% to £191.4m (H1 FY2022: £344.3m). This provision has increased from the full year number of £179.8m as assumptions for both the volume of claims under the Scheme and the estimated uphold rate, have been revised higher in line with observed claims. The increase in the provision substantially accounts for the income statement charge of £11.3m.

·   The reduction in revenue as the book runs off, alongside the increase in provision, led to a reported loss before tax of £12.7m, (H1 FY2022: profit of £2.1m). No tax impact or profit adjustments were made in the period.

·   Overall collections, including early repayments and recoveries from written-off accounts, have remained robust despite the increased cost of living and notwithstanding the continued, but expected, rise in delinquency as the book runs-off.

·   £128.4m of unrestricted cash and cash equivalents as at 30 September 2022 (H1 FY2022: £234.5m), following the payment of the £60m initial Scheme contribution and bi-annual senior secured note coupon payment in July 2022, reflects continued strong cash generation. Current unrestricted cash balance of over £130.0m.

·   Net unrestricted cash of £78.6m at 30 September 2022 (H1 FY2022: net cash of £2.1m) driven by the continued collection of the back book while originations remained suspended. Substantially all of the Group's net cash, excluding c.£8m of working capital, is committed within the Scheme.

Notes to summary financial table:

1Number of customers represents the number of accounts with a balance greater than zero, exclusive of charged off accounts.  

2Net loan book represents total outstanding loans less provision for impairment excluding deferred broker costs.  

3(Loss)/profit after tax otherwise known as (loss)/profit and total comprehensive (loss)/income to equity shareholders of the Group as per the financial statements.

4Adjusted (loss)/profit after tax excludes items due to their exceptional nature including: write-back of complaints provision, senior secured note buyback, securitisation facility fees write off, tax provision release and tax refund due.  None are business-as-usual transactions. Hence, removing these items is deemed to give a view of underlying profit adjusting for non-business-as-usual items within the financial year.

5Basic adjusted profit/earnings per share is a non-IFRS measure and the calculation is shown in note 7. Adjustments to (loss)/profit are described in footnote 4 above.

6Net unrestricted cash is defined as unrestricted cash and cash equivalents less borrowings and unamortised fees.

*Detailed definitions and calculations of these alternative performance measures (APMs) can be found in the APM section of these condensed financial statements

Analyst, investor and bondholder conference call and webcast

Amigo will be hosting a live webcast for investors and bondholders today at 10.00am (London time) which will be available at: https://www.amigoplc.com/investors/results-centre. A conference call is also available for those unable to join the webcast (Dial in: + 020 3936 2999; Access code: 597054). A replay will be available on Amigo's website after the event. The presentation pack for the webcast shows the reconciliation between the PLC results and Amigo Loans Group Limited (the 'Bond Group').



Kerry Penfold, Chief Financial Officer

Kate Patrick, Head of Investor Relations                                                                [email protected]

Lansons                                                                                                                    [email protected]

Tony Langham                                                                                                            07979 692287

Tom Baldock                                                                                                               07860 101715

About Amigo Loans

Amigo is a public limited company registered in England and Wales with registered number 10024479. The Amigo Shares are listed on the Official List of the London Stock Exchange. Since October 2022, Amigo has offered guarantor loans and non-guarantor personal loans under its RewardRate brand. Both products reward customers for on-time payments with an annual, interest-free, payment holiday and the opportunity to reduce the effective APR, encouraging better financial management and facilitating a long-term improvement of customers' credit scores and financial mobility. Amigo has provided guarantor loans in the UK from 2005, offering access to mid‐cost credit to those who are unable to borrow from traditional lenders due to their credit histories. The guarantor loan concept introduces a second individual to the lending relationship, typically a family member or friend with a stronger credit profile than the borrower. This individual acts as guarantor, undertaking to make loan payments if the borrower does not. Amigo's back book of loans issued pre-November 2020 is in the process of being run off with all net proceeds due to creditors under a Court approved Scheme of Arrangement. Amigo Loans Ltd and Amigo Management Services Ltd are authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Forward looking statements

This report contains certain forward-looking statements. These include statements regarding Amigo Holdings PLC's intentions, beliefs or current expectations and those of our officers, Directors and employees concerning, amongst other things, our financial condition, results of operations, liquidity, prospects, growth, strategies, and the business we operate. These statements and forecasts involve risk, uncertainty and assumptions because they relate to events and depend upon circumstances that will or may occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made only as at the date of this announcement. Nothing in this announcement should be construed as a profit forecast. Except as required by law, Amigo Holdings PLC has no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or to correct any inaccuracies therein.

Chief Executive's Statement

Amigo has made good progress over the financial year to date. Following the sanctioning of our Scheme of Arrangement ("Scheme") in May 2022, we fulfilled the first of two Scheme conditions in October 2022 by returning to lending with FCA approval. A pilot is now underway and our new products, processes and systems are being further tested.  After such a long period without new lending, I would like to thank all our employees for their ongoing commitment.


During the six-month period to 30 September 2022, as expected, Amigo's legacy book has continued to unwind, resulting in a reduction in revenue of 72.0% compared to the prior year period and in customer numbers, which were down 52.0%. The net loan book, at 30 September 2022, was £80.6m. Despite the challenging macroeconomic backdrop and the increased cost of living being felt across society, collections, which have included early repayments and recoveries from written-off accounts, have remained robust.

Following the sanctioning of the Scheme, the complaints liability has halved and the provision reduced accordingly from the prior year (reflecting the terms of the Scheme which cap the redress amount). However, in the most recent quarter, we have revised the provision upwards in line with the observed volume of claims in the Scheme and the projected uphold rate. This increase in the provision equates to an income statement charge of £11.3m. This, alongside the reduction in revenue as the book runs-off, has resulted in a reported loss before tax for the period of £12.7m, (H1 FY2022: profit of £2.1m). No tax impact or profit adjustments were made in the period.

Our cash position remains strong with unrestricted cash at 30 September 2022 of £128.4m after payment of the initial £60m Scheme contribution in June 2022 and the bi-annual senior secured note coupon payment in July 2022. Current unrestricted cash is over £130.0m.

FCA Approval to lend

On 13 October 2022, post period-end, Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") approval was received for Amigo to return to lending under certain agreed conditions. The full letter outlining these conditions can be found on the FCA websitehere.The FCA confirmed that it is satisfied Amigo has met the threshold conditions required for the Company to return to lending, initially through the operation of a pilot lending scheme which will limit the level of new loans issued for at least two months. During the initial pilot phase plus a required period for assessment, Amigo will undertake further outcomes testing, led by a third party, to demonstrate that the new systems and controls meet regulatory expectations and that it can continue to meet threshold conditions when lending volumes are increased. If the FCA is satisfied with the outcome of this pilot phase, Amigo's increase in volumes will then be limited, as agreed within the Scheme, to a maximum of £35m cumulative net originations until a minimum £15m from the proposed capital raise is paid into the Scheme fund. Under the terms of the Scheme, this must be completed by 26 May 2023.

Amigo has returned to lending under the new RewardRate brand and product set, which offers a combination of unsecured and guarantor loan products to a large and clearly defined addressable market of around 12m adults. Designed in conjunction with an anti-poverty charity, these products give people who are underserved by mainstream credit providers the opportunity to achieve financial mobility. Stronger underwriting standards have underpinned the development of these products during a period in which borrowers' affordability is being impacted by the increasing cost of living. RewardRate's products are specifically aligned to the FCA's upcoming Consumer Duty regulations, meaning we are now well-positioned for the future regulatory environment.

As well as designing the new product set, we have invested in new technology and undergone a cultural reset. As noted in the FCA letter, dated 13 October 2022, the FCA recognises the significant programme of change Amigo has undertaken and that it continues to progress to deliver improvements to the way in which its business operates including providing fair outcomes to consumers. I am confident that Amigo now has the right culture, discipline and operational processes in place as we rebuild our business and position it for future growth.

Scheme of Arrangement

Amigo's Scheme of Arrangement was sanctioned by the High Court in May 2022 and it closed to new claims on 26 November 2022. Under the "preferred" Scheme solution, Amigo will make an initial cash contribution of £97m to the Scheme fund, of which £60m was paid in June 2022. £37m is due to be paid to the Scheme fund by 26 February 2023. Amigo, based on current projections, expects to meet the initial Scheme contribution. In the event that total net recoveries from the back book, excluding the liquidity buffer of £8.4m, result in an amount greater than the £97m initial Scheme contribution, the excess will be paid to the Scheme fund. A further contribution of at least £15m is expected to be made from the proceeds of the proposed capital raise, in accordance with the terms of the Scheme.

The FCA's decision to approve a return to lending is an important milestone for creditors owed redress by Amigo, as it meets one of two Scheme conditions which must be fulfilled to meet the "preferred" solution. The second condition is the completion of a capital raise by 26 May 2023. If Amigo fails to meet this final condition, the Scheme will revert to the "fallback" solution which is an orderly wind-down of the Amigo Loans Ltd business.

Capital Raise

Contact with potential investors began in October 2022, following receipt of FCA approval to return to lending. Amigo represents a rare opportunity to invest in an established specialist lending platform with limited legacy risk which operates in market segments with increasing demand. As set out in Amigo's AGM statement on 28 September 2022, the Board expects to propose a capital raise of approximately £40m, which will include the 19:1 ordinary share issue mandated by the Scheme. In addition, Amigo will raise debt to support future growth. As noted in Amigo's AGM statement, the Board will seek to facilitate meaningful participation by its existing shareholders on a pre-emptive basis, underwritten by one or more institutional investors whom it expects to account for the majority of the capital raise.

This is a complex transaction, not least because of the May deadline for satisfaction of the Scheme conditions, and that the anticipated significant institutional investor underwriting may require FCA consent for a change of control. The structure remains under consideration and, due to its complexity and the uncertainties of the market, Amigo reserves the right to make appropriate amendments to the size and terms of the Capital Raise.

Amigo continues to provide information to the FCA with regard to its enforcement investigation into affordability of loans and complaints handling and expects the investigation to be concluded prior to the capital raise.

Corporate Governance

The proper and effective governance of Amigo is fundamental to our future success, and I'm pleased with the FCA's recognition of the significant change and progress we have made to deliver improvements to the way in which our business operates.

Central to this is our enhanced governance and cultural framework and our focus on customer outcomes and Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") responsibilities.

Amigo's Responsible Business Council ("RBC"), established in the period, has been working with representatives across the business to support and drive Amigo's ESG commitments. For example, by partnering with Amigo's internal charity and employee-event focused committee to support the local community through volunteer events and food bank drives. It has also collaborated with the HR function to deliver financial support to Amigo's employees to help combat the cost-of-living crisis and together they will be undertaking a full diversity, equity and inclusion review. The RBC is committed to identifying longer-term goals to benefit our customers, employees and wider community and to implementing specific metrics and targets to record progress against the recently adopted priority UN Sustainable Development Goals.

One of these goals is climate action. In line with the roadmap set out in our Annual Report 2022, we are taking steps towards integrating climate impact into our business planning. The first of these is a scenario analysis to identify material climate-related risks and opportunities under different climate pathways and to quantify the potential business impacts. In the new year, we will be working to assess a science-based, credible net-zero target. In summary, we are on track to deliver on this year's disclosure requirements, as per our defined roadmap, and more importantly, to incorporating climate impact into our business planning. 


On 23 September 2022, I took on the role of CEO. Following the successful sanctioning of the Scheme and as the business began a transition from turnaround to rebuild and future growth, Gary Jennison retired from his role as CEO and as a Director of the Board. At the same time, Kerry Penfold became CFO, moving from the role of Head of Finance at Amigo. Kerry has 20 years' experience in financial services, and I am delighted that she agreed to become CFO. Both appointments are subject to FCA approval under the Senior Managers Regime.

On 3 October, Jerry Loy joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit Committee, subject to FCA approval under the Senior Managers Regime. With over 30 years' experience working in financial services and with extensive audit and regulatory experience, Jerry is a valuable addition to the Board.

On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Gary for his considerable contribution and welcome both Kerry and Jerry who join at an important turning point for the business.

Summary and Outlook

In summary, Amigo continues to make significant progress. With the sanction of the Scheme and its recent closure to new Scheme claims, redress customers are a step closer to receiving compensation and Amigo is near to having clarity on its long-term future. Our legacy risk is now minimal, and we have designed new products during an economic crisis that will stand us in good stead for the future. Returning to lending for the first time since 2020 has been a great achievement which has taken considerable effort from our teams, of whom I am immensely proud. The capital raise process has begun and we look forward to updating shareholders on progress in due course.

The next six months are critical for Amigo's ongoing survival. If we are successful in raising capital, we move forward with a very different business to that of the past and with a business model that is well positioned for the future regulatory environment and for growth as a responsible and valuable contributor to the mid-cost specialist credit market.

Financial Review

In the six months to 30 September 2022, the net loan book reduced by 64.0% to £80.6m (H1 FY2022: £224.1m). Revenue fell by 72.0% year on year to £15.8m (H1 FY2022: £56.5m), reflecting the loan book reduction with no new lending over the period. Customer numbers reduced by 52.0% compared to the prior year to 49,000 (H1 FY2022: 102,000). The reduction in revenue, alongside an increase in the provision following upward revised volume and uphold assumptions led to a reported statutory loss before tax for the period of £12.7m (H1 FY2022: profit of £2.1m). There was no tax impact for the half year or profit adjustments made in the period.

Net assets at 30 September 2022 were £35.2m (H1 FY2022: net liabilities of £117.6m). Although the results show a positive shareholder equity position, substantially all the existing net assets of the business will be delivered to the Scheme creditors. After the costs of administering the Scheme and collecting out the remaining portfolio are paid, only a small working capital amount of c.£8m will remain. This will not be sufficient to support future lending beyond the initial period; future lending is expected to be funded, in part, by way of the capital raise to be completed by 26 May 2023.


The ongoing pause in originations and consequent reduction in the size of the loan book drove a lower impairment charge, resulting in a credit for the period of £0.2m (H1 FY2022: charge of £25.9m). This was also partly owing to the upfront expected credit loss methodology of IFRS 9. As the book runs off, the gross loan book is increasingly provided for under lifetime loss assumptions.

The impairment provision decreased to £30.1m (H1 FY2022: £65.1m), primarily due to the decline of the loan book, representing 27.2% of the gross loan book (H1 FY2022: 22.5%). The increase in coverage is due to the expected increase in delinquency, within modelled levels, as the book runs off.

Scheme provision

All components of the provision have been considered with more information available as the Scheme process has progressed. The deadline for customers to submit a claim within the Scheme passed on 26 November 2022. While final numbers are being verified, we now have greater visibility and have revised our volume assumptions higher accordingly. An extension of this, is that the fixed pot available to creditors within the Scheme is likely to be spread amongst a higher number of claimants. The estimated uphold rate within the provision has also been revised from 65% to 70% following initial work performed by a third party. While the sample analysed is small, a prudent uplift has been applied.

The revision of assumptions has resulted in an increase to the provision from the full year to £191.4m (H1 FY2022: £344.3m, FY2022: £179.8m), and a corresponding charge to the income statement of £11.3m. There remains a significant degree of uncertainty in the final complaints outturn. Sensitivity analysis of the key assumptions is set out in note 2.2 to these financial statements.


No tax charge has been recognised in the period.

Funding and liquidity

Net unrestricted cash was £78.6m at 30 September 2022 (H1 FY2022: £2.1m) as the back book continued to be collected while originations remained suspended. Unrestricted cash and cash equivalents at 30 September 2022 was £128.4m (H1 FY2022: £234.5m) following the payment of the £60m initial Scheme contribution in June 2022 and the bi-annual senior secured note coupon in July 2022. Restricted cash is £70.3m, which includes the £60m Scheme contribution as well as estimated set-off held in escrow for customers with existing complaints who continued to make payments up to the Scheme Effective Date. Current unrestricted cash is over £130.0m.

The group has £50.0m of outstanding 7.625% senior secured notes due in January 2024. The securitisation structure for the facility paid down in September 2021 was closed post period end. As disclosed with the full year results in July 2022, the Board did not consider the structure to be appropriate for the future needs of the business.

A capital raise process is underway, with equity of c.£40m sought to provide a minimum £15m to the Scheme and growth capital. The Board will also look to raise additional debt to support future growth. 

Going concern

The Board believes that it remains appropriate to prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis. However, the Board also recognises that at the date of approval of these financial statements significant uncertainty remains. The Scheme requires the meeting of capital raise conditions, and the business will require a full return to lending, which are at least in part outside of the control of the Group. Additionally, the final outcome of the FCA enforcement investigation remains highly uncertain. These matters indicate the existence of a material uncertainty related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt over the Group and Company's ability to continue as a going concern and, therefore, that the Group and Company may be unable to realise their assets and discharge their liabilities in the normal course of business.

Principal risks and uncertainties

Amigo's business performance is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could materially impact its success. Amigo puts significant effort into continually improving the way that it monitors and acts on risks to ensure control, enhance performance and deliver better customer outcomes. The Board recognises that opportunities and risks go hand in hand and so it puts time into understanding which risks are the right ones to take or avoid at any given time.

Our principal risks and uncertainties are summarised below. 

Credit risk

The risk that a counterparty fails to meet its debt obligations in full and on time. It includes the calculated risks that Amigo assumes by lending money to a customer and not receiving the owed principal and interest. This includes:

• Credit acquisition risk: this risk is inherent to loan origination and is tied to the credit analysis, where the Group verifies the customer's capacity, character, cash flow, collateral (when applies) and conditions to repay the requested loan. A failure in credit acquisition might result in issues such as very high delinquency levels, complaints and regulator fines.

• Credit operation risk (collections/fraud): this risk is related to the actions taken after the customer fails to make one or more payments. Our ability and capacity to react to loan delinquency are primarily controlled through customer contact. A failure on collections/fraud actions could lead to unexpected credit losses affecting the Company's profitability.

• Concentration risk: credit concentrations are viewed as any exposure where the potential losses are large relative to the Company's capital, its total assets or, where adequate measures exist, the Company's overall risk level. Relatively large losses may reflect not only large exposures, but also the potential for unusually high percentage losses when in potential default.

Amigo is a mid-cost lender, and we take a degree of credit risk that is consistent with our pricing. Our lending is to customer segments we understand well. We may engage on a controlled basis in pilot lending, testing new segments that we think are appropriate for our product. 

The organisation is subject to risks arising from changes in the cost of living which may impact the recovery rates of existing loans and the affordability of loans to new borrowers. Increases in the cost of living will detrimentally impact both outcomes.  Credit risk is managed carefully by applying a strict set of creditworthiness and affordability rules.

Conduct risk
Conduct risks arise from inappropriate actions taken by individuals or the Company that could lead to customer detriment.  They can arise at each stage of the customer journey, from product design through to sales and post-sales servicing, for example:

●     Inadequate planning and design may lead to products and servicing that don't meet the needs of customers or represent fair value. 

●     Not providing adequate information and customer support could lead to customers not having a clear understanding of the product or being unable to make informed decisions.

●     Inappropriate lending practices and decisions may result in unaffordable debt for customers and poor conduct post-sale.  It could also lead to vulnerable customers and/or those experiencing financial difficulty not being identified and treated fairly.

Amigo recognises that the vulnerability of its target market poses higher than average conduct risks and is mindful of the impact of increasing inflation and the cost of living on borrowers which will put additional strain on customer finances and affordability. 

The FCA's Consumer Duty will underpin our customer outcomes. Our new products are focused on delivering positive customer outcomes - if it's good for our customer, it's good for us.  Integral to our new lending proposition are enhanced borrower and guarantor credit and affordability assessments in both current forbearance and our future lending approach.

Regulatory and political risk

The risk that the regulatory environment will change in a way that has adverse consequences to our business (explicit changes in regulation or legislation or changes in interpretation), or where Amigo introduces new products or approaches and does not fully comply with existing regulatory requirements.  At a minimum, the impact would be the operational burden of adapting to changing regulation.  However, where we fail (or have failed) to adapt to changes, the impact can extend to regulatory action, including investigation, fines, or loss of authorisation to operate.  It includes regulation or legislation specific to our product, applying to financial services more generally, or not specific to our business at all.

Amigo aims to identify specific harms that we seek to avoid or consider how they fit in the achievement of objectives.

We are committed to a high level of compliance with relevant legislation, regulation as well as internal policies and governance requirements. Identified breaches will be remedied as soon as possible. Amigo has no appetite for deliberate or purposeful violations of legislative or regulatory requirements. 

Amigo maintains a constructive and open relationship with the Financial Conduct Authority and other regulators and agencies. While permission has been received to pursue pilot lending, the FCA's enforcement investigations remain open.  Amigo still operates under a VREQ and remains on the FCA's watchlist.

Operational risk

This relates to the possibility of business operations failing due to inefficiencies or breakdown in internal processes, systems, people or from external events. Major examples include data security and cyber risk, system availability, legal risk, and failures of process execution. Other examples can include key supplier failure, fraud, the risk of Amigo's product being used for money laundering, or the risk of an error in the business's decisioning models.

Amigo's operational risk includes the risk that it does not have human capacity or system capacity to deliver on its strategy.  This may leave the Company unable to properly service its customers, leading to customer harm and loss of profitability. It may also result in the Company being less able to perform key functions.

Amigo aims to have the quantity and quality of people necessary to meet its objectives at all times and to maintain its performance in case of unexpected loss of key personnel. Our operational resilience approach has been designed to ensure highly available services, infrastructure and lending processes.  Over the last twelve months, operational resilience has been stable with no significant disruptions to operations. While approval of the Scheme has increased the certainty of Amigo's future, people risk and potential for attrition will remain until successful completion of the lending pilot. Third-party risk has increased given the reliance on new key suppliers associated with the new lending platform and this has been recognised through the introduction of risk-based supplier selection and management practices.  The risk of cyber attacks continues to be a threat across all industries.

Strategic and competitive risk

Strategic risk refers to emerging internal and external events that can disrupt or prevent the organisation from achieving its objectives and strategic goals. These risks are present within launching new products and services, or the failure to meet the expectations of customers should they shift.

There is a risk that Amigo fails to achieve its objectives, either due to poor decision making or failure to adapt to changes in the competitive environment, leading to reduced revenue, increased expenses, or lost opportunities.  This could include the risk of new competitors, market or industry changes, entering a new geography or the effectiveness of changing or introducing a new product.

Building on our previously established leading position, with tighter eligibility criteria and robust affordability and credit checks, we will prioritise long-term growth and controlled scalability over short-term results as we meet this increasing demand.  The Company needs to maintain the ability to evolve, adapt, and be responsive to changes in the internal and external operating environment.

Business transformation is focused on delivering a new lending proposition to market and deploying iterated improvements based on user data and customer behaviour and feedback.

Treasury risk

The risk arising from the core actions of the Treasury function. A failure to properly manage liquidity could lead to the organisation requiring more expensive funding, reducing profitability, failure to manage assets/liabilities or to obtain value for money from the resources deployed.

The decision to stop lending has left the business cash generative, but this is significantly offset by the requirement to pay cash redress on complaints, necessitating a Scheme of Arrangement. The pause in lending has allowed Amigo to conserve cash, and the liquidity position is good under baseline forecasts assuming a new Scheme progresses. Amigo has no material foreign exchange exposure.

The fundamental purpose of our treasury activity is to support business growth, rather than generate proprietary profit.

Responsibility statement of the Directors in respect of the half-yearly financial report

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

·   the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the UK;

·    the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by:

a)    DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

b)    DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so.

Kerry Penfold


29 November 2022

 Independent review report to the members of Amigo Holdings PLC


Wehave been engaged by Amigo Holdings PLC (the "Company") to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six-month period ended 30 September 2022, which comprises the condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the condensed consolidated statement of financial position, the condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity, the condensed consolidated statement of cash flows, and the related Notes 1 to 19.

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 September 2022 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard ('IAS') 34 "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted for use in the United Kingdom and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA").

Basis of Conclusion

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements ('ISRE') (UK) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

As disclosed in Note 1.1, the annual financial statements of the Group are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards adopted for use in the United Kingdom ("UK adopted IFRS"). The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with UK adopted International Accounting Standard ('IAS') 34 "Interim Financial Reporting".

Material Uncertainty Relating to Going Concern

We draw your attention to Note 1.1 Basis of preparation on pages 17 to 19, which indicates that management have assessed the ability of the Group to continue as a going concern is significantly impacted by:

·     the conditions attached to the Scheme of Arrangement (the "Scheme") which include the requirement to return to full lending by 26 February 2023 and meeting the conditions of raising capital by 26 May 2023.

·     the ongoing FCA investigation in relation to historical lending and complaints management processes of the Group.

The outcome of these matters is, in part, outside the control of the Group. This indicates that a material uncertainty exists that may cast significant doubt upon the Group's and Company's ability to continue as a going concern.

Our conclusion is not modified in respect of these matters.

Based on our review procedures, which are less extensive than those performed in an audit as described in the Basis of Conclusion section of this report, nothing has come to our attention to suggest that the Directors have inappropriately adopted the going concern basis of accounting.

Independent review report to the members of Amigo Holdings PLC

Responsibilities of Directors

The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

In preparing the half-yearly financial report, the Directors are responsible for assessing the Company's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Directors either intend to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or have norealistic alternative but to do so.

Auditor's Responsibilities for the review of the financial information

In reviewing the half-yearly report, we are responsible for expressing to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report. Our conclusion, including our conclusions relating to going concern, are based on procedures that are less extensive than audit procedures, as described in the Basis of Conclusion paragraph of this report.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance contained in ISRE (UK) 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Financial Reporting Council. Our review work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company those matters we are required to state to them in a review report and for no other purposes.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company, for our work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed.

MHA MacIntyre Hudson

Statutory Auditor


29 November 2022

Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income

for the 6 months to 30 September 2022

6 months ended

6 months ended

Year to

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21














Interest payable and funding facility fees





Interest receivable




Impairment of amounts receivable from customers




Administrative and other operating expenses




Complaints expense





Total operating expenses




(Loss)/ profit before tax




Tax credit on (loss)/profit





(Loss)/ profit and total comprehensive (loss)/income attributable to equity shareholders of the Group1




The (loss)/profit is derived from continuing activities.

(Loss)/earnings per share

Basic (loss)/earnings per share (pence)





Diluted (loss)/earnings per share (pence)





The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

1       There was less than £0.1m of other comprehensive income during this period and any other period, and hence no consolidated statement of other comprehensive income is presented.

Condensed consolidated statement of financial position

as at 30 September 2022

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22








Non-current assets

Customer loans and receivables





Property, plant and equipment




Right-of-use lease assets







Current assets

Customer loans and receivables





Other receivables





Current tax assets




Cash and cash equivalents (restricted)1




Cash and cash equivalents







Total assets




Current liabilities

Trade and other payables





Lease liabilities




Complaints provision








Non-current liabilities






Lease liabilities




Complaints provision








Total liabilities




Net assets/(liabilities)





Share capital





Share premium




Translation reserve




Merger reserve




Retained earnings




Shareholder equity




The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

1Cash and cash equivalents (restricted) of £70.3m (H1 2022: £2.0m) includes (at 30 September 2022) the £60m initial payment to the Scheme Fund. This amount will be returned to the Group if the Scheme Fallback situation is activated and the Group goes into runoff. The remainder materially relates to restricted cash held in a Trust Account for the benefit of those customers with an open complaint, who may later have their complaints upheld in the Scheme, who continued to make payments on their loan from 1 December 2021 to the Scheme effective date. 

The condensed consolidated financial statements of Amigo Holdings PLC were approved and authorised for issue by the Board and were signed on its behalf by:

Kerry Penfold


29 November 2022

Company no. 10024479

Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity

for the 6 months to 30 September 2022



















At 31 March 2021







Total comprehensive income







Share-based payments







At 30 September 2021







Total comprehensive income







Translation reserve







Share-based payments






At 31 March 2022







Total comprehensive loss







Translation reserve







Share-based payments







At 30 September 2022







The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

1       The translation reserve is due to the effect of foreign exchange rate changes on translation of financial statements of the Irish entities.

2       The merger reserve was created as a result of a Group reorganisation in 2017 to create an appropriate holding company structure. The restructure was within a wholly owned group, constituting a common control transaction.

Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows

for the6 months to 30 September 2022

6 months to

6 months to

 Year to

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22







(Loss)/profit for the period




Adjustments for:

Impairment expense




Complaints provision




Tax (credit)/charge




Interest expense




Interest receivable




Interest recognised on loan book




Share-based payment




Depreciation of property, plant and equipment




Operating cash flows before movements in working capital




(Increase)/decrease in receivables




Increase/(decrease) in payables




Complaints cash expense




(Tax paid)/tax refunds




Interest paid




Net cash (used in) operating activities before loans issued and collections on loans








Other loan book movements




Decrease in deferred brokers' costs




Net cash from operating activities




Investing activities

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment




Net cash from investing activities




Financing activities

Lease principal payments




Repayment of external funding




Net cash (used in) financing activities




Net increase in cash and cash equivalents




Effects of movement in foreign exchange




Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period




Cash and cash equivalents at end of period1




The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

1         Total cash is inclusive of cash and cash equivalents (restricted) of £70.3m (H1 2022: £2.0m). Cash and cash equivalents (restricted) includes (at 30 September 2022) the £60m initial payment to the Scheme Fund. This amount will be returned to the Group if the Scheme Fallback situation is activated and the Group goes into runoff. The remainder materially relates to restricted cash held in a Trust Account for the benefit of those customers with an open complaint, who may later have their complaints upheld in the Scheme, who continued to make payments on their loan from 1 December 2021 to the Scheme effective date. 

Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements

1. Accounting policies

1.1 Basis of preparation of financial statements

General information

Amigo Holdings PLC is a public company limited by shares (following IPO on 4 July 2018), listed on the London Stock Exchange

(LSE: AMGO). The Company is incorporated and domiciled in England and Wales and its registered office is Nova Building, 118-

128 Commercial Road, Bournemouth, United Kingdom BH2 5LT. The principal activity of the Company is to act as a holding company for the Amigo Loans Group (the "Group") of companies. The principal activity of the Amigo Loans Group is to provide loans to individuals. Previously, its principal activity was to provide individuals with guarantor loans from £2,000 to £10,000 over one to five years. No new advances on this lending have been made since November 2020. Following FCA approval to return to lending, in October 2022, Amigo has launched, initially on a two-month pilot basis, a new guarantor loan as well as an unsecured loan product which feature dynamic pricing to reward on-time payment with lower rates and penalty-free annual payment holidays. The new products have been released under the RewardRate brand.

The condensed interim financial statements do not constitute the statutory financial statements of the Group within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2022 were approved by the board of directors on 8 July 2022 and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The consolidated financial statements of the Group as at and for the year ended 31 March 2022 are available upon request from the Company's registered office at Nova Building, 118-128 Commercial Road, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, BH2 5LT. Those accounts have been reported on by the Company's previous auditor, KPMG. The report of the auditor:

i)     drew attention to the material uncertainty related to going concern referenced in the consolidated financial statements of the Group; and

ii)    did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The condensed interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 September 2022 have been reviewed, not audited, by the incumbent auditor, MHA Macintyre Hudson, and were approved by the board of directors on 29 November 2022.

Accounting policies

The interim financial statements have been prepared applying the accounting policies and presentation that were applied in the

preparation of the Company's published consolidated annual report for the year ended 31 March 2022.

Basis of preparation

The condensed interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 September 2022 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' as adopted for use in the United Kingdom (UK). The condensed interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2022. The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 March 2022 are not the Group's statutory accounts for that financial year, but are an extract from those statutory accounts for interim reporting.

These interim financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis under the historical cost convention, except for financial instruments measured at amortised cost or fair value. The presentational currency of the Group is GBP, the functional currency of the Company is GBP and these financial statements are presented in GBP. All values are stated in £ million (£m) except where otherwise stated.

Going concern

In determining the appropriate basis of preparation for these financial statements, the Board has undertaken an appropriate review of the Group and Company's ability to continue as a going concern for a period of at least twelve months from the date of approval of these financial statements. This has taken into account the Group's business plan and the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group, including the success of the Scheme of Arrangement (Scheme). The interim financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis which the Directors believe to be appropriate for the following reasons.

On 26 May the High Court sanctioned Amigo's Scheme of Arrangement ("the Scheme") which allowed the Company to return to solvency.  The Preferred Solution of the Scheme allows Amigo to resume lending, subject to making agreed payments into a Scheme fund and meeting two New Business Conditions.  Failure to meet these requirements would place Amigo into a managed wind-down.  The New Business Conditions are: FCA approval to return to lending to be received by 26 February 2023 and issue of 19 new shares in Holdings Plc for every one ordinary share in issue, to be achieved by 26 May 2023.

On 13 October 2022, FCA approval for a return to lending was received. Amigo commenced lending on a pilot basis in October 2022. Following the end of the pilot lending phase, the FCA will consider the impact on consumers of Amigo returning to lending on a wider scale, and whether the results of the outcomes testing demonstrate that Amigo is able to continue to meet FCA expectations. Amigo is limited to a maximum of £35.0m cumulative net originations until successful completion of the required dilutory share issue and payment of a further £15.0m into the Scheme. Failure to meet the Scheme conditions represent a material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern and, therefore, to continue realising its assets and discharging its liabilities in the normal course of business.

Should these conditions remain unsatisfied within the required timeframes, under the terms of the Scheme the business will revert to a managed wind-down.  Projections show the business has sufficient resources for a solvent wind-down in this context.

However, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that these conditions can be met and, therefore, have modelled a 'Base scenario' and 'Severe but plausible downside Scheme scenario' which the Directors believe are realistic alternatives to the managed wind-down scenario.

Base scenario - business plan assumptions

The Base scenario assumes that:

·     the conditions of the Scheme (explained above) are met in the required timescales, with FCA approval to commence re-lending having been received, and new lending originations commencing, in October 2022

·     balance adjustments and refunds resulting from complaints in the Scheme are consistent with the assumptions that underpin the complaints provision reported as at 30 September 2022 (see note 2.2.2)

·     at least the minimum committed amount of £112.0m is paid out as cash redress in the Scheme, being £97.0m from existing resources and future collections plus an additional £15.0m following the equity raise

·     additional new funding is received beyond the equity raise to facilitate future growth of the business

·     collections on the existing loan book continue in line with expectation

This scenario indicates that the Group will have sufficient funds to enable it to operate within its available facilities and settle its liabilities as they fall due for at least the next twelve months.

Severe but plausible downside Scheme scenario

The Directors have prepared a severe but plausible downside scenario. This assumes the conditions of the Scheme are met but considers the potential impact of:

•    an increased number of upheld complaints. Whilst this sensitivity does not increase the cash liability, which is capped under the Scheme, the number of customers receiving balance write downs will increase, thus reducing future collections and stressing the Group's liquidity position alongside increasing cash refunds given to customers that are upheld in the Scheme for payments collected over the Scheme period

•    increased credit losses as a result of the cost of living crisis and the inability of an increased number of the Group's customers to continue to make payments.

•    Halving of forecast origination volumes, whether arising due to delays in new product launch or market conditions.

This severe but plausible downside Scheme scenario indicates that the Group's available liquidity headroom would reduce but would be sufficient to enable the Group to continue to settle its liabilities as they fall due for at least the next twelve months.

Status of Scheme Conditions

Payment of £60m into Scheme Fund by


Payment of £37m into Scheme Fund by 26th February 2023

The Group currently has, and is forecast to continue to have, sufficient cash to meet this requirement

FCA permission to return to lending by 26th February 2023

Complete. The Company continues to work with the FCA toward a full return to lending

Issue and sell at least 19 ordinary shares in Holdings Plc for every 1 share in issue by 26th May 2023

The Company announced, on 28 September 2022, its intention to raise new capital in combination of debt and equity with includes this requirement and is actively marketing to potential investors

Payment of £15m into Scheme Fund within 10 business days of completion of the share issue

Contingent on completion of share issue above

Payment of any further net proceeds from collection of the legacy Amigo loan book ("The Turnover Amount") to the Scheme Fund

Contingent on performance of the Legacy book over the period

FCA investigation

The Group is currently under investigation by the FCA in relation to historical lending and complaints management processes. We are hopeful that the outcome of these investigations will be known shortly. If the enforcement process is not completed before the proposed capital raise, then Amigo could fail to comply with one of the Scheme conditions and is likely to revert to the fallback solution or some form of insolvency.

There are a number of avenues of sanction open to the FCA should they deem it appropriate and so the potential impact of the investigation on the business is extremely difficult to predict and quantify and is not modelled in the business plan or stress scenario.  In mitigation, the FCA has stated that the levying of any fine would be considered in the context of the Scheme and its impact on creditors.


Accounting standards require an entity to prepare financial statements on a going concern basis unless the Directors either intend to liquidate the entity or to cease trading or has no realistic alternative but to do so.  Accordingly, the Directors believes that it remains appropriate to prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis.

However, the Directors also recognise that, at the date of approval of these financial statements, significant uncertainty remains. The Scheme requires the meeting of capital raise conditions, and the business will require a full return to lending, which are at least in part outside of the control of the Group. Additionally, the final outcome of the FCA investigation remains highly uncertain. These matters indicate the existence of a material uncertainty related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt over the Group and Company's ability to continue as a going concern and, therefore, that the Group and Company may be unable to realise their assets and discharge their liabilities in the normal course of business.

1.2 Amounts receivable from customers

i) Classification

IFRS 9 requires a classification and measurement approach for financial assets which reflects how the assets are managed and their cash flow characteristics. IFRS 9 includes three classification categories for financial assets: measured at amortised cost, fair value through other comprehensive income ("FVOCI") and fair value through profit and loss ("FVTPL"). Note, the Group does not hold any financial assets that are equity investments; hence the below considerations of classification and measurement only apply to financial assets that are debt instruments. A financial asset is measured at amortised cost if it meets both of the following conditions (and is not designated as FVTPL):

·     it is held within a business model whose objective is to hold assets to collect contractual cash flows; and

·     its contractual terms give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest ("SPPI") on the principal amount outstanding.

Business model assessment

In the assessment of the objective of a business model, the information considered includes:

·     the stated policies and objectives for the loan book and the operation of those policies in practice, in particular whether management's strategy focuses on earning contractual interest revenue, maintaining a particular interest rate profile, matching the duration of the financial assets to the duration of the liabilities that are funding those assets or realising cash flows through the sale of the assets;

·     how the performance of the loan book is evaluated and reported to the Group's management;

·     the risks that affect the performance of the business model (and the financial assets held within that business model) and its strategy for how those risks are managed;

·     how managers of the business are compensated (e.g. whether compensation is based on the fair value of the assets managed or the contractual cash flows collected); and

·     the frequency, volume and timing of debt sales in prior periods, the reasons for such sales and the Group's expectations about future sales activity. However, information about sales activity is not considered in isolation, but as part of an overall assessment of how the Group's stated objective for managing the financial assets is achieved and how cash flows are realised.

The Group's business comprises primarily loans to customers that are held for collecting contractual cash flows. Debt sales of charged off assets are not indicative of the overall business model of the Group. The business model's main objective is to hold assets to collect contractual cash flows.

Assessment of whether contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest

For the purposes of this assessment, "principal" is defined as the fair value of the financial asset on initial recognition. "Interest" is defined as consideration for the time value of money and for the credit risk associated with the principal amount outstanding during a particular period of time, as well as profit margin.

In assessing whether the contractual cash flows are SPPI, the Group considers the contractual terms of the instrument.

This includes assessing whether the financial asset contains a contractual term that could change the timing or amount of contractual cash flows such that it would not meet this condition. The Group has deemed that the contractual cash flows are SPPI and hence, loans to customers are measured at amortised cost under IFRS 9.

ii) Impairment

IFRS 9 includes a forward-looking expected credit loss ("ECL") model with regards to impairment. IFRS 9 requires an impairment provision to be recognised on origination of a financial asset. Under IFRS 9, a provision is made against all stage 1 (defined below) financial assets to reflect the expected credit losses from default events within the next twelve months. The application of lifetime expected credit losses to assets which have experienced a significant increase in credit risk results in an uplift to the impairment provision.

iii) Measurement of ECLs

Under IFRS 9 financial assets fall into one of three categories:

Stage 1 - financial assets which have not experienced a "significant" increase in credit risk since initial recognition;

Stage 2 - financial assets that are considered to have experienced a "significant" increase in credit risk since initial recognition; and

Stage 3 - financial assets which are in default or otherwise credit impaired.

Loss allowances for stage 1 financial assets are based on twelve month ECLs; that is the portion of ECLs that result from default events that are estimated within twelve months of the reporting date and are recognised from the date of asset origination. Loss allowances for stage 2 and 3 financial assets are based on lifetime ECLs, which are the ECLs that result from all default events over the expected life of a financial instrument.

At the reporting date, the Group only held guarantor loans on balance sheet.  In substance the borrower and the guarantor of each financial asset have equivalent responsibilities. Hence for each loan there are two obligors to which the entity has equal recourse. This dual borrower nature of the product is a key consideration in determining the staging and the recoverability of an asset.

The Group assessed that its key sensitivity was in relation to expected credit losses on customer loans and receivables. The matrix of nine scenarios used in September 2021 for calculating the ECL provision has been simplified into base, downside and severe downside scenarios. In prior years nine macroeconomic scenarios were applied and weighted (see note 2.1.3).

iv) Assessment of significant increase in credit risk (SICR)

In determining whether the credit risk (i.e. risk of default) of a financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Group considers reasonable and supportable information that is relevant and available without undue cost or effort, including both quantitative and qualitative information and analysis. The qualitative customer data used in this assessment is payment status flags, which occur in specific circumstances such as a short-term payment plans, breathing space or other indicators of a change in a customer's circumstances. See note 2.1.2 for details of how payment status flags are linked to staging, and judgements on what signifies a significant increase in credit risk.

v) Derecognition

Receivable from customers are derecognised when the entity's contractual rights to the financial asset's cash flows have expired.

vi) Definition of default

The Group considers an account to be in default if it is more than three contractual payments past due, i.e. greater than 61 days, which is a more prudent approach than the rebuttable presumption in IFRS 9 of 90 days and has been adopted to align with internal operational procedures. The Group reassesses the status of loans at each month end on a collective basis. When the arrears status of an asset improves so that it no longer meets the default criteria for that portfolio, it is immediately cured and transitions back from stage 3 within the Group's impairment model.

vii) Forbearance

Where the borrower indicates to the Group that they are unable to bring the account up to date, informal, temporary forbearance measures may be offered. There are no changes to the customer's contract at any stage. Depending on the forbearance measure offered, an operational flag will be added to the customer's account, which may indicate significant increase in credit risk and trigger movement of this balance from stage 1 to stage 2 in impairment calculation. See note 2.1.2 for further details.

2. Critical accounting assumptions and key sources of estimation uncertainty

Preparation of the financial statements requires management to make significant judgements and estimates.


The preparation of the condensed consolidated Group financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the consolidated statement of financial position date and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. The most significant uses of judgements and estimates are explained in more detail in the following sections:

·     IFRS 9 - measurement of ECLs:

·     Assessing whether the credit risk of an instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition (note 2.1.2).

·     Definition of default is considered by the Group to be when an account is three contractual payments past due (note 1.2.vi).

·     Multiple economic scenarios - the probability weighting of base, downside and severe downside scenarios to the ECL calculation (note 2.1.3). These scenarios replaced the nine different economic scenarios used in the prior year.

·     Complaints provisions:

·     Judgement is involved in estimating the probability, timing and amount of any outflows (note 2.2.1).

·     Going concern:

·     Judgement is applied in determining if there is a reasonable expectation that the Group adopts the going concern basis in preparing these financial statements (note 1.1).

·     Accounts receivable from customers:

·     Judgement is applied in assessing whether the contractual cash flows are SPPI, the Group considers the contractual terms of the instrument. This includes assessing whether the financial asset contains a contractual term that could change the timing or amount of contractual cash flows such that it would not meet this condition.


Areas which include a degree of estimation uncertainty are:

·     IFRS 9 - measurement of ECLs:

·     Adopting a collective basis for measurement in calculation of ECLs in IFRS 9 calculations (note 2.1.1).

·     Probability of default ("PD"), exposure at default ("EAD") and loss given default ("LGD") (note 2.1.1).

·     Forward-looking information incorporated into the measurement of ECLs (note 2.1.3).

·     Incorporating a probability weighted estimate of external macroeconomic factors into the measurement of ECLs (note 2.1.3).

·     Complaints provisions:

·     Calculation of uphold rate. This calculation evaluates current and historical data, and assumptions and expectations of future outcomes (note 2.2.1).

·     Carrying amount of current and deferred taxation assets and liabilities

·     The current uncertainty over the Group's future profitability means that it is no longer considered probable that future taxable profits will be available against which to recognise deferred tax assets.

2.1 Credit impairment

2.1.1 Measurement of ECLs

The Group has adopted a collective basis of measurement for calculating ECLs. In the current year the loan book is bifurcated into those customers who have had a Covid-19 forbearance plan and those who have not. In the prior year, the loan book was divided into portfolios of assets with shared risk characteristics including whether the loan is new business, repeat lending or part of a lending pilot as well as considering if the customer was a homeowner or not. These portfolios of assets were further divided by contractual term and monthly origination vintages. These portfolios are no longer considered to have discernible credit risk profiles due to the impact of Covid-19.

The allowance for ECLs is calculated using three components: PD, LGD and EAD. The ECL is calculated by multiplying the PD (twelve month or lifetime depending on the staging of the loan), LGD and EAD and the result is discounted to the reporting date at the original EIR.

The twelve month and lifetime PDs represent the probability of a default occurring over the next twelve months or the lifetime of the financial instruments, respectively, based on historical data and assumptions and expectations of future economic conditions.

EAD represents the expected balance at default, considering the repayment of principal and interest from the balance sheet date to the default date. LGD is an estimate of the loss arising in the case where a default occurs at a given time. It is based on the difference between the contractual cash flows due and those that the Group expects to receive.

The Group assesses the impact of forward-looking information on its measurement of ECLs. The Group has analysed the effect of a range of economic factors and identified the most significant macroeconomic factors that are likely to impact credit losses as the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation.

2.1.2 Assessment of significant increase in credit risk (SICR)

To determine whether there has been a significant increase in credit risk the following two step approach has been taken:

1) The primary indicator of whether a significant increase in credit risk has occurred for an asset is determined by considering the presence of certain payment status flags on a customer's account. This is the Group's primary qualitative criteria considered in the assessment of whether there has been a significant increase in credit risk. If a relevant operational flag is deemed a trigger indicating the remaining lifetime probability of default has increased significantly, the Group considers the credit risk of an asset to have increased significantly since initial recognition. Examples of this include operational flags for specific circumstances such as short-term payment plans and breathing space granted to customers.

2) As a backstop, the Group considers that a significant increase in credit risk occurs no later than when an asset is two contractual payments past due (equivalent to 30 days), which is aligned to the rebuttable presumption of more than 30 days past due. This is the primary quantitative information considered by the Group in significant increase in credit risk assessments.

The Group reassesses the flag status of all loans at each month end and remeasures the proportion of the book which has demonstrated a significant increase in credit risk based on the latest payment flag data. An account transitions from stage 2 to stage 1 immediately when a payment flag is removed from the account.

2.1.3 Forward-looking information

The Group assesses the impact of forward-looking information on its measurement of ECLs. The Group has analysed the effect of a range of economic factors and identified the most significant macroeconomic factors that are likely to impact credit losses as the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation.

The Group has modelled and weighted three different macroeconomic scenarios - a base, a downside and a severe downside scenario.

·     The base scenario broadly represents probability of defaults whereby there is no significant deviation of delinquency beyond the current run-rate. The base scenario captures an element of stress to reflect current inflationary pressures. A weighting of 25% has been applied to reflect the Group's assumption that the current macroeconomic environment is more likely than not due to worsen, given the inflationary pressures facing the Group's customer base. Historical trends of prior inflationary increases showed no statistical relationship to the Group's customers propensity to make payments, so the base scenario appears reasonable.

·     The downside scenario uplifts the base scenario probability of default by approximately 50%. Based on recent Office for Budgetary Reporting (OBR) forecasts, inflation rates, which are already at 40-year highs, are expected to remain high in the short-term. Although there are no historical indications of a statistical relationship between inflationary rises and customers' propensity to make payments, a weighting of 50% has been applied to reflect the expectation that customers will be, in some form, adversely impacted.

·     The severe downside applies a further uplift of 25% to the probability of default in the downside scenario, reflecting a significant impact from macroeconomic factors. Whilst the economic outlook is not set to return to more normal levels in the near term, the Group's loan book does not have significant time left to run off. Judgement has been made to weight this scenario at 25%. Given the lack of statistical relationship and level of uncertainty around the impact on customers' payment behaviour, the Group believes this weighting is fair and reasonable, but will evolve over time as the cost of living crisis plays out.

The following table details the absolute impact on the current ECL provision of £30.1m if each of the three scenarios are given a probability weighting of 100%.






Severe downside


The scenarios above demonstrate a range of ECL provisions from £28.4m to £31.1m.

In prior years nine macroeconomic scenarios were applied and weighted. However, given the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is better known and already to an extent has been realised, this methodology was reviewed and simplified down to three scenarios - a base, downside and severe downside scenario, to determine the ECL provision.

As with any economic forecasts, the projections and likelihoods of occurrence are subject to a high degree of inherent uncertainty and therefore the actual outcomes may be significantly different to those projected.

2.1.4 Application of a management overlay to the impairment provision calculation

In the prior year management overlay was used to enhance the modelled outcome to take account of increasing credit risk indicators that were potentially masked by payment holidays granted due to Covid-19. This is no longer relevant as all impacted accounts have reverted to a tailored collections approach captured by status flag.

As noted in 2.1.3, the Board notes that forward looking information carries a degree of uncertainty, particularly in relation to the impact of the forecast cost of living crisis.  However, in the view of the Board, the use of a sufficiently severe downside scenario in the modelled approach negates the requirement for further management overlay in the impairment estimation.

2.2 Complaints provisions

2.2.1 Complaints provision - estimation uncertainty

Provisions included in the statement of financial position refers to a provision recognised for customer complaints. The provision represents an accounting estimate of the expected future outflows arising from certain customer-initiated complaints, using information available as at the date of signing these financial statements.

Identifying whether a present obligation exists and estimating the probability, timing, nature and quantum of the redress payments that may arise from past events require judgements to be made on the specific facts and circumstances relating to the individual complaints. Management evaluates on an ongoing basis whether complaints provisions should be recognised, revising previous judgements and estimates as appropriate; however, there is a wide range of possible outcomes.

These calculations involve significant, complex management judgement and estimation. As the Scheme closing date draws near, however, the key assumption with the most potential for variability is the uphold rate (%) - the expected average uphold rate applied to future estimated volumes where it is considered more likely than not that customer redress will be appropriate.

The calculation of the complaints provision as at 30 September 2022 is based on Amigo's best estimate of the future obligation at the Scheme effective date. The revised complaints cash redress provision will be £97.0m post-Scheme. A further contribution of £15.0m is expected to be made from the proceeds of the proposed capital raise, plus a top-up if net collections exceed those forecast in the Scheme scenarios.

The capital raise is a critical component of the preferred solution under the Scheme succeeding, and while the provision is being accounted for on the basis that the Scheme is successful, it is currently determined that the capital raise contribution component cannot be accrued as it cannot be justified as more likely than not to occur at today's date.

As at 30 September 2022, the Group has recognised a complaints provision totalling £191.4m in respect of customer complaints redress and associated costs. Utilisation in the period totalled £4.7m. The liability has decreased by £152.9m compared to 30 September 2021. £141.1m of the decrease is due to the cash redress liability being reduced to the £97.0m contribution as per the Scheme. The other main component of the reduction is a decrease in the balance adjustments on the loan book of £25.7m. The level of balance adjustments has declined due to customers paying down their loan and customers charging off the loan book. This has been partly offset by an increase in the assumed volume of customers coming forward in the Scheme.

The following table details the effect on the complaints provision considering incremental changes on key assumptions, should current estimates prove too high or too low. Sensitivities are modelled individually and not in combination.

Assumption used

Sensitivity applied

Sensitivity (£m)

Average uphold rate per customer1


+/- 20 ppts



1.        Uphold rate. Sensitivity analysis shows the impact of a 20 percentage point change in the applied uphold rate on both the current and forward-looking elements of the provision.

The table above shows the increase or decrease in total provision charge resulting from reasonably possible changes in the key uphold rate assumption. The Board considers that this sensitivity analysis covers the full range of reasonably possible alternative assumptions.

It is possible that the eventual outcome may differ materially from the current estimate and could materially impact the financial statements as a whole, given the Group's only activity is guarantor-backed consumer credit. This is due to the risks and inherent uncertainties surrounding the assumptions used in the provision calculation.

3. Revenue and segment reporting

Revenue comprises interest income on amounts receivable from customers. Loans are initially measured at fair value (which is equal to cost at inception) plus directly attributable transaction costs and are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Revenue is presented net of amortised broker fees, which are spread over the expected behavioural lifetime of the loan as part of the effective interest rate method.

The effective interest rate ("EIR") is the rate that discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument (or a shorter period where appropriate) to the net carrying value of the financial asset or financial liability. The calculation takes into account all contractual terms of the financial instrument and includes any incremental costs that are directly attributable to the instrument, but not future credit losses.

Revenue is derived primarily from a single segment. The Group has one operating segment based on the geographical location of its operations, being the UK. IFRS 8 requires segment reporting to be based on the internal financial information reported to the chief operating decision maker. The Group's chief operating decision maker is deemed to be the Group's Executive Committee ("ExCo") whose primary responsibility is to support the Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") in managing the Group's day-to-day operations and analyse trading performance.

Amigo Loans Ireland Limited, registered in Ireland, is not a reportable operating segment, as they are not separately included in the reports provided to the strategic steering committee. The results of these operations are included in the 'other segments' column. Amigo Loans Ireland Limited, was, in prior years, reported as a separate segment but it no longer meets the criteria for separate segment reporting.

The table below presents the Group's performance on a segmental basis for the six months to 30 September 2022 in line with reporting to the chief operating decision maker:

6 months to 30 September 2022

Period to

30 Sep 22



Period to

30 Sep 22


Other segments

Period to

30 Sep 22







Interest payable and funding facility fees




Interest receivable




Impairment of amounts receivable from customers




Administrative and other operating expenses




Provision expenses




Total operating expenses




Loss before tax




Tax credit on loss




Loss and total comprehensive loss attributable to equity shareholders of the Group




30 Sep 22

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 22





Other segments


Gross loan book1




Less impairment provision




Net loan book2




1.        Gross loan book represents total outstanding loans and excludes deferred broker costs.

2.        Net loan book represents gross loan book less provision for impairment.

The carrying value of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets included in the consolidated interim statement of financial position materially all relates to the UK; hence the split between UK and Ireland has not been presented. The results of each segment have been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those of the Group as a whole.

6 months to 30 September 2021

Period to

30 Sep 21



Period to

30 Sep 21



Period to

30 Sep 21







Interest payable and funding facility fees




Interest receivable




Impairment of amounts receivable from customers




Administrative and other operating expenses




Provision expenses




Total operating expenses




Profit before tax




Tax credit on profit1




Profit and total comprehensive income attributable to equity shareholders of the Group




30 Sep 21

30 Sep 21

30 Sep 21







Gross loan book2




Less impairment provision




Net loan book3




1.        The tax credit for the UK primarily relates to the recognition of a £0.4m tax asset and the impact of the release of a tax provision no longer required.

2.        Gross loan book represents total outstanding loans and excludes deferred broker costs.

3.        Net loan book represents gross loan book less provision for impairment.

4. Interest payable and funding facility fees

Period to

Period to

Year to

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22







Senior secured notes interest payable




Funding facility fees




Securitisation interest payable




Other finance costs







No interest was capitalised by the Group during the period. Funding facility fees include non-utilisation fees and amortisation of initial costs of the Group's senior secured notes.

5. Modification of financial assets

Covid-19 payment holidays and any subsequent extensions were assessed as non-substantial financial asset modifications under IFRS 9.

The carrying value of historical modification losses at the period end was £1.7m (H1 2022: £9.4m).

Period to

Period to

Year to

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22







Modification release recognised in revenue 




Modification release recognised in impairment




Total modification release




6. Taxation

The applicable corporation tax rate for the period to 30 September 2022 was 19.0% (H1 2022: 19.0%) and the effective tax rate is 0.0% (H1 2022: 57.1% positive).

The Finance Act 2021 increased the UK corporation tax rate from 19% to 25% with effect from 1 April 2023. While this change does not affect the current tax position for the year, it will affect future periods.

The Group's loss-making position and the ongoing uncertainty over the Group's future profitability meant that it is no longer considered probable that future taxable profits would be available against which to recognise deferred tax assets. Consequently, no tax assets were recognised in respect of losses in the year, which are driven primarily by the recognition of complaints provision as at 30 September 2022.

7. Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the period attributable to equity shareholders by the

weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period.

Diluted earnings per share calculates the effect on profit per share assuming conversion of all dilutive potential

ordinary shares. Dilutive potential ordinary shares are calculated as follows:

i)     For share awards outstanding under performance-related share incentive plans such as the Share Incentive Plan ("SIP") and the Long Term Incentive Plans ("LTIPs"), the number of dilutive potential ordinary shares is calculated based on the number of shares which would be issuable if the end of the reporting period is assumed to be the end of the scheme's performance period. An assessment over financial and non-financial performance targets as at the end of the reporting period has therefore been performed to aid calculation of the number of dilutive potential ordinary shares.

ii)    For share options outstanding under non-performance-related schemes such as the two Save As You Earn schemes ("SAYE"), a calculation is performed to determine the number of shares that could have been acquired at fair value (determined as the average annual market share price of the Company's shares) based on the monetary value of the subscription rights attached to outstanding share options. The number of shares calculated is compared with the number of share options outstanding, with the difference being the dilutive potential ordinary shares.

Potential ordinary shares are treated as dilutive when, and only when, their conversion to ordinary shares would decrease earnings per share or increase earnings per share.

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22







Basic (loss)/earnings per share




Diluted (loss)/earnings per share




Basic adjusted (loss)/earnings per share (basic and diluted)1




1.      Adjusted basic (loss)/earnings per share and earnings for adjusted basic (loss)/earnings per share are non-GAAP measures.

The Directors are of the opinion that the publication of the adjusted earnings per share is useful as it gives a better indication of ongoing business performance. Reconciliations of the earnings used in the calculations are set out below.

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22







(Loss)/profit for basic EPS




Release of complaints provision




Senior secured notes redemption




Write-off of unamortised securitisation fees




Tax provision release




Tax refund due




Less tax impact




(Loss)/profit for basic adjusted EPS1




Basic weighted average number of shares (m)




Dilutive potential ordinary shares (m)2




Diluted weighted average number of shares (m)




1.       Adjusted basic (loss)/earnings per share and earnings for adjusted basic (loss)/earnings per share are non-GAAP measures.

2.        Although the Group has issued further options under the employee share schemes, upon assessment of the dilutive nature of the options, some options are not considered dilutive as at 30 September 2022 as they would not meet the performance conditions. Those dilutive shares included are in relation to the employee October 2020 SAYE scheme.

8. Customer loans and receivables

The table shows the gross loan book and deferred broker costs by stage, within the scope of the IFRS 9 ECL framework.

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22







Stage 1




Stage 2




Stage 3




Gross loan book




Deferred broker costs1 - stage 1




Deferred broker costs1 - stage 2




Deferred broker costs1 - stage 3




Loan book inclusive of deferred broker costs








Customer loans and receivables




1.       Deferred broker costs are recognised within customer loans and receivables and are amortised over the expected life of those assets using the effective interest rate ("EIR") method.

As at 30 September 2022, £50.5m of loans to customers had their beneficial interest assigned to the Group's special purpose vehicle ("SPV") entity, namely AMGO Funding (No. 1) Ltd, as collateral for securitisation transactions (H1 2022: £132.5m). See note 17 for further details of this structured entity.

Ageing of gross loan book (excluding deferred brokers' fees and provision) by days overdue:

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22











1-30 days




31-60 days




>60 days




Gross loan book




The following table further explains changes in the gross carrying amount of loans receivable from customers to explain their

significance to the changes in the loss allowance for the same portfolios.

Period ended 30 September 2022

Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3




Gross carrying amount as at 31 March 2022





Deferred brokers fees





Loan book inclusive of deferred broker costs





Changes in gross carrying amount attributable to:

Transfer to stage 1





Transfer to stage 2





Transfer to stage 3





Passage of time1





Customer settlements





Loans charged off





Net movement in modification loss relating to Covid-19 payment holidays





Net movement in deferred broker fees





Loan book inclusive of deferred broker costs as at 30 September 2022





Period ended 30 September 2021

Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3




Gross carrying amount as at 31 March 2021





Deferred brokers fees





Loan book inclusive of deferred broker costs





Changes in gross carrying amount attributable to:

Transfer to stage 1





Transfer to stage 2





Transfer to stage 3





Passage of time1





Customer settlements





Loans charged off





Net movement in modification loss relating to Covid-19 payment holidays





Net movement in deferred broker fees





Loan book inclusive of deferred broker costs as at 30 September 2021





1         Passage of time relates to amortisation of loan balances over the course of the financial year, due to cash payments partially offset by interest accruals.

As shown in the table above, the loan book inclusive of deferred broker cost decreased from £295.1m to £111.6m at 30 September 2022. This was primarily driven by the effect of passage of time (loan balances amortising throughout the period), customer settlements and no originations in the year.

The following tables explain the changes in the loan loss provision between the beginning and the end of the period:

Period ended 30 September 2022

Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3




Loan loss provision as at 31 March 2022





Changes in loan loss provision attributable to:

Transfer to stage 1





Transfer to stage 2





Transfer to stage 3





Passage of time1





Customer settlements





Loans charged off





Management overlay                                                                                                         





Net movement in modification loss relating to Covid-19 payment holidays





Remeasurement of ECLs





Loan loss provision as at 30 September 2022





Period ended 30 September 2021

Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3




Loan loss provision as at 31 March 2021





Changes in loan loss provision attributable to:

Transfer to stage 1





Transfer to stage 2





Transfer to stage 3





Passage of time1





Customer settlements





Loans charged off





Net movement in modification loss relating to Covid-19 payment holidays





Remeasurement of ECLs





Loan loss provision as at 30 September 2021





1         Passage of time relates to amortisation of loan balances over the course of the financial year, due to cash payments partially offset by interest accruals.

As shown in the above tables, the allowance for ECL decreased from £65.1m at 30 September 2021 to £30.1m at 30 September 2022. The overall provision has reduced in line with the amortisation of the loan book in the absence of any originations.

The following table splits the gross loan book by arrears status, and then by stage respectively for the year ended 30 September 2022.

Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3




Up to date





1-30 days





31-60 days





> 60 days









The following table splits the gross loan book by arrears status, and then by stage respectively for the year ended 30 September 2021:

Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3




Up to date





1-30 days





31-60 days





> 60 days









The following table further explains changes in the net carrying amount of loans receivable from customers to explain their significance to the changes in the loss allowance for the same portfolios.

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22




Customer loans and receivables




Due within one year




Due in more than one year




Net loan book




Deferred broker costs1

Due within one year




Due in more than one year




Customer loans and receivables




1.       Deferred broker costs are recognised within customer loans and receivables and are amortised over the expected life of those assets using the effective interest rate ("EIR") method.

9. Financial instruments

The below tables show the carrying amounts and fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities, including the levels in the fair value hierarchy. The tables analyse financial instruments into a fair value hierarchy based on the valuation technique used to determine fair value:

a)    Level 1: quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

b)    Level 2: inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices).

c)    Level 3: inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).

30 Sept 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22

Fair value


Carrying amount





Carrying amount





Carrying amount





Financial assets not measured at fair value1

Amounts receivable from customers2

Level 3







Other receivables

Level 3







Cash and cash equivalents (restricted)

Level 1







Cash and cash equivalents

Level 1













Financial liabilities not measured at fair value1

Other liabilities

Level 3







Senior secured notes3

Level 1













1.       The Group has disclosed the fair values of financial instruments such as short-term trade receivables and payables at their carrying value because it considers this a reasonable approximation of fair value.

2.       The unobservable inputs in the fair value calculation of amounts receivable from customers are expected credit losses, forecast cash flows and discount rates. As lifetime expected credit losses are embedded in the calculation, this results in a fair value lower than the carrying amount.

3.       Senior secured notes are presented in the financial statements net of unamortised fees. As at 30 September 2022, the gross principal amount outstanding was £50.0m (H1 2021: £234.1m). The fair value reflects the market price of the notes at the financial year end.

Financial instruments not measured at fair value

The fair value of amounts receivable from customers has been estimated using a net present value calculation using discount rates derived from the blended effective interest rate of the instruments. As these loans are not traded on an active market and the fair value is therefore determined through future cash flows, they are classed as Level 3 under IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement. The fair value of senior secured notes has been taken at the Bloomberg Valuation Service ("BVAL") market price.

All financial instruments are held at amortised cost. There are no derivative assets in the current or prior period.

The Group's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks, which can be categorised under credit risk and treasury risk. The objective of the Group's risk management framework is to identify and assess the risks facing the Group and to minimise the potential adverse effects of these risks on the Group's performance. Financial risk management is overseen by the Group Risk Committee alongside other principal risks: operational, regulatory, strategic and conduct risks.

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22







Maturity analysis of financial liabilities

Analysed as:

- due within one year

Other liabilities




- due in one to two years

Senior secured note liability




- due in two to three years

Senior secured note liability







10. Other receivables

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22








Other receivables




Prepayments and accrued income







11. Trade and other payables

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22








Accrued senior secured note interest




Trade payables




Taxation and social security




Other creditors




Accruals and deferred income







12. Bank and other borrowings

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22







Current and non-current liabilities

Amounts falling due in 1-2 years

Senior secured notes




Amounts falling due 2-3 years

Senior secured notes







The Group's facilities are:

·     Senior secured notes in the form of £49.8m high yield bonds with a coupon rate of 7.625% which expire in January 2024 (H1 2022: £232.4m). The senior secured notes are presented in the financial statements net of unamortised fees. As at 30 September 2022, the gross principal amount outstanding was £50.0m. On 20 January 2017, £275.0m of notes were issued at an interest rate of 7.625%. The high yield bond was tapped for £50.0m in May 2017 and again for £75.0m in September 2017 at a premium of 3.8%. £350.0m of notes have been repurchased in the open market/redeemed in prior financial years (2022: £184.1m; 2020: £85.9m; 2019: £80.0m). The remaining £50.0m gross principal amount outstanding is due in January 2024.

13. Provisions

Provisions are recognised for present obligations arising as the consequence of past events where it is more likely than not that

a transfer of economic benefit will be necessary to settle the obligation, which can be reliably estimated.

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 2022



















Opening provision










Provisions made during period










Net utilisation of the provision










Closing provision







































Customer complaints redress

As at 30 September 2022, the Group has recognised a complaints provision totalling £191.4m in respect of customer complaints redress and associated costs. Utilisation in the period totalled £4.7m. The liability has decreased by £152.9m compared to 30 September 2021. £141.1m of the decrease is due to the cash redress liability being reduced to the £97.0m contribution as per the Scheme. The other main component of the reduction is a decrease in the balance adjustments on the loan book of £25.7m. The level of balance adjustments has declined due to customers paying down their loan and customers charging off the loan book. This has been partly offset by an increase in the assumed volume of customers coming forward in the Scheme

Contingent liability

FCA investigation

On 29 May 2020 the FCA commenced an investigation into whether the Group's creditworthiness assessment process, and the governance and oversight of this, was compliant with regulatory requirements. The FCA investigation will cover lending for the period from 1 November 2018 to date. There is significant uncertainty around the impact of this on the business, the assumptions underlying the complaints provision and any future regulatory intervention.

The Group was informed on 15 March 2021 that the FCA has decided to extend the scope of its current investigation so that it can investigate whether the Group appropriately handled complaints after 20 May 2020 and whether the Group deployed sufficient resource to address complaints in accordance with the Voluntary Requirement ("VReq") announced on 27 May 2020 and the subsequent variation announced on 3 July 2020.

The FCA investigation will consider whether those complaints have been handled appropriately and whether customers have been treated fairly in accordance with Principle 6 of the FCA's Principles for Business. The Group will continue to co-operate fully with the FCA.

If the enforcement process is not completed and prevents the capital raise from being successful, then Amigo could fail to comply with one of the Scheme conditions and is likely to revert to the "fallback" solution or some form of insolvency. There are a number of avenues of sanction open to the FCA should it deem it appropriate and so the potential impact of the investigation on the business is extremely difficult to predict and quantify, so has not been provided for in the financial statements and is not modelled in the business plan or stress scenario.  In mitigation, the FCA has stated that the levying of any fine would be considered in the context of the Scheme and its impact on creditors.In the event that the investigations have not concluded or that they have concluded with an adverse outcome, either of which causes the capital raise not to proceed, the Scheme will revert to the "fallback" solution and the business will be wound down.

Following the Court sanction of the Scheme the Company is obliged to enter into a capital raise for the purposes of recapitalising the business for future lending by 26 May 2023. If this capital raise is successful a further £15.0m cash contribution must be made to the Scheme. The successful raising of sufficient capital relies on a number of uncertain events, not least market appetite which may be influenced by a number of external factors beyond the Company's control.

14. Share capital

On 4 July 2018 the Company's shares were admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange. Immediately prior to admission the shareholder loan notes were converted to equity, increasing the share capital of the business to 475 million ordinary shares and increasing net assets by £207.2m. No additional shares were issued subsequent to conversion of the shareholder loan notes.

Ordinary Number

        Total Number

At 31 March 2022



At 30 September 2022



Ordinary shares

The holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time and are entitled to one vote per share at general meetings of the Company. Each ordinary share in the capital of the Company ranks equally in all respects and no shareholder holds shares carrying special rights relating to the control of the Company. The nominal value of shares in issue is shown in share capital, with any additional consideration for those shares shown in share premium.

Deferred shares

At the time of the IPO and subdivision the 41,000 ordinary B shares were split into 16,400,000 ordinary shares of 0.25p and 41,000 deferred shares of £0.24.

The deferred shares do not carry any rights to receive any profits of the Company or any rights to vote at a general meeting. Prior to the subdivision the ordinary B shares had 1.24 votes per share; all other shares had one vote per share. The Group plans to cancel these deferred shares in due course.


Dividends are recognised through equity, on the earlier of their approval by the Company's shareholders or their payment.

Due to the Asset Voluntary Requirement entered into with the FCA, prior approval by the FCA will be required to pay dividends to shareholders. The Board decided that it would not propose a final dividend payment for the year to 31 March 2022 or an interim dividend for the period to 30 September 2022. Total cost of dividends paid in the period is £nil (2021: £nil).

15. Immediate and ultimate parent undertaking

The immediate and ultimate parent undertaking is Amigo Holdings PLC, a company incorporated in England and Wales. The consolidated financial statements of the Group as at and for the year ended 31 March 2022 are available upon request from the Company's registered office at Nova Building, 118-128 Commercial Road, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, BH2 5LT.

16. Share-based payments

The Group issues share options and awards to employees as part of its employee remuneration packages. The Group operates three types of equity settled share scheme: Long Term Incentive Plan ("LTIP"), employee's savings-related share option schemes referred to as Save As You Earn ("SAYE") and the Share Incentive Plan ("SIP").

The number of LTIP instruments has been reduced since the prior year, with the tranche of LTIP's that matured in September 2022 having lapsed.

Share-based payment transactions in which the Group receives goods or services as consideration for its own equity instruments are accounted for as equity settled share-based payments. At the grant date, the fair value of the share-based payment is recognised by the Group as an expense, with a corresponding entry in equity, over the period in which the employee becomes unconditionally entitled to the awards. The fair value of the awards granted is measured based on Company specific observable market data, considering the terms and conditions upon which the awards were granted. The charge to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income was £0.1m in the six months to 30 September 2022 (H1 2022: charge of £0.5m).

17. Investment in subsidiaries and structured entities

Amigo Loans Group Limited (ALGL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company and a reconciliation to its consolidated results is included in the presentation pack on the Company's website as part of ALGL's senior secured note reporting requirements.

The following are subsidiary undertakings of the Company at 30 September 2022 and includes undertakings registered or incorporated up to the date of the Directors' Report as indicated. Unless otherwise indicated all Group owned shares are ordinary. All entities are subsidiaries on the basis of 100% ownership and shareholding, aside from AMGO Funding (No. 1) Limited which is an orphaned structured entity.


Country of incorporation

Class of

Shares held

Ownership  2022

Ownership 2021

Principal activity

Direct holding

Amigo Loans Group Ltd1

United Kingdom




Holding company

ALL Scheme Ltd1

United Kingdom




Special purpose vehicle

Indirect holdings

Amigo Loans Holdings Ltd1

United Kingdom




Holding company

Amigo Loans Ltd1

United Kingdom




Trading company

Amigo Management Services Ltd1

United Kingdom




Trading company

Amigo Luxembourg S.A.2





Financing company

AMGO Funding (No.1) Ltd4

United Kingdom




Special purpose vehicle

Amigo Car Loans Limited1

United Kingdom




Dormant company

Vanir Financial Limited1

United Kingdom




Dormant company

Vanir Business Financial Limited1

United Kingdom




Dormant company

Amigo Store Limited1

United Kingdom




Dormant company

Amigo Group Limited1

United Kingdom




Dormant company

Amigo Finance Limited1

United Kingdom




Dormant company

Amigo Loans International Limited3





Holding company

Amigo Loans Ireland Limited3





Trading company

1       Registered at Nova Building, 118-128 Commercial Road, Bournemouth BH2 5LT, England.

2       Registered at 19, Rue de Bitbourg, L-1273 Luxembourg.

3       Registered at Suite 3, One Earlsfort Centre, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2.

4       Registered at Level 37, 25 Canada Square, London E14 5LQ.

18. Related party transactions

The Group had no related party transactions during the six-month period to 30 September 2022 that would materially affect the performance of the Group. Details of the transactions for the year ended 31 March 2022 can be found in note 24 of the Amigo Holdings PLC financial statements.

19. Post Balance Sheet events

FCA approval for pilot lending- In a letter to the Company from the FCA, dated 13 October 2022, the FCA has confirmed that it is satisfied that Amigo has met the threshold conditions required for Amigo to return to lending, initially through the operation of a pilot lending scheme, which would limit the level of new loans issued for at least two months. Under the terms of the FCA's notice, Amigo will undertake further customer outcomes' testing, led by a third party, during the initial two-month pilot lending phase and a required period for assessment. If the FCA is satisfied with the outcome of this pilot phase, Amigo will still be limited to a maximum of £35.0m cumulative net originations until a further minimum £15.0m Scheme contribution from the proposed capital raise is paid into the Scheme fund, by no later than 26 May 2023.  

Under its new RewardRate brand, Amigo will offer a revised guarantor loan product and a non-guarantor unsecured loan, both of which have been specifically designed for its target market.

Securitisation structure- The securitisation structure for the facility paid down in September 2021 was closed in November 2022.

Appendix: alternative performance measures (unaudited)

This financial report provides alternative performance measures (APMs) which are not defined or specified under the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards. The Board believes these APMs provide readers with important additional information on the Group. To support this, details of the APMs used, how they are calculated and why they are used are set out below. Management uses these financial measures, along with the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures, in evaluating the operating performance and value creation. Non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered in isolation from, or as a substitute for, financial information presented in compliance with GAAP. Wherever appropriate and practical, we provide reconciliations to relevant GAAP measures.

To ensure these APMs remain relevant to the Group and its current circumstances, the Board has taken the decision to reduce the number of APMs presented in these financial statements.

Key performance indicators

Other financial data

6 months to

6 months to

Year to

Figures in £m, unless otherwise stated

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22

Net loan book




Net unrestricted cash/(debt)1




Revenue yield




Risk adjusted revenue




Net interest margin




Impairment:revenue ratio




Impairment coverage as a percentage of loan book2




Cost:income ratio




Operating cost:income ratio (ex. complaints)




Adjusted (loss)/ profit after tax




Return on assets




Amendments to alterative performance measures

1Net unrestricted cash/(debt) - the definition of this alternative performance measure (APM) has been amended from net cash/(debt), to highlight that restricted cash is excluded from these definitions.

2Impairment coverage as a percentage of loan book - the definition of this alternative performance measure (APM) has been amended from impairment charge as a percentage of loan book, as this was considered a more relevant measure.

1. "Net loan book"is a subset of customer loans and receivables and represents the interest yielding loan book when the IFRS 9 impairment provision is accounted for, comprised of:

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22




Gross loan book1








Net loan book3




1Gross loan book represents total outstanding loans and excludes deferred broker costs.

2Provision for impairment represents the Group's estimate of the portion of loan accounts that are not in arrears or are up to five payments in arrears for which the Group will not ultimately be able to collect payment. Provision for impairment excludes loans that are six or more payments in arrears, which are charged off of the statement of financial position and are therefore no longer included in the loan book.

3Net loan book represents gross loan book less provision for impairment.

2. "Net unrestricted cash/(debt)"is comprised of:

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22








Cash and cash equivalents




Net unrestricted cash/(debt)




This is deemed useful to show total cash/(debt) if unrestricted cash available at the period end was used to repay borrowings.

3.The Group defines "revenue yield" as annualised revenue over the average of the opening and closing gross loan book for the period.

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22

Revenue yield








Opening loan book




Closing loan book




Average loan book




Revenue yield (annualised)




This is deemed useful in assessing the gross return on the Group's loan book.

4.The Group defines "risk adjusted revenue" as revenue less impairment charge. "Risk adjusted revenue" is a useful indicator of profitability.

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22








Impairment of amounts receivable from customers




Risk adjusted revenue




Risk adjusted revenue is not a measurement of performance under IFRS and is not an alternative to profit before tax as a measure of the Group's operating performance, Group's ability to meet its cash needs or as any other measure of performance under IFRS.

5.The Group defines "net interest margin" as annualised net interest income divided by average interest-bearing assets (being both gross loan book and cash) at the beginning of the period and end of the period.

Net interest margin is a measure of profitability. It refers to the difference between interest received and interest paid. Interest rates in the economy can significantly affect the financial net interest margin. A positive net interest margin suggests that an entity operates profitably.

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22








Interest payable, receivable and funding facility fees




Net interest income




Opening interest-bearing assets (gross loan book plus unrestricted cash)




Closing interest-bearing assets (gross loan book plus unrestricted cash)




Average interest-bearing assets (customer loans and receivables plus unrestricted cash)




Net interest margin (annualised)




6.Impairment charge as a percentage of revenue "impairment:revenue ratio" represents the Group's impairment charge for the period divided by revenue for the period.

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22








Impairment of amounts receivable from customers




Impairment charge as a percentage of revenue




This is a key measure for the Group in monitoring risk within the business.

7. "Impairment coverage as a percentage of loan book" represents the Group's impairment coverage divided by closing gross loan book.

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22




Provision for impairment




Closing gross loan book




Impairment coverage as a percentage of loan book




This allows review of the impairment coverage relative to the size of the Group's gross loan book.

8.The Group defines "cost:income ratio" as operating expenses costs divided by revenue.

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22








Total operating expenses




Cost:income ratio




This measure allows review of cost management.

9. "Operating cost:income ratio", defined as the cost:income ratio excluding the complaints provision, is:

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22








Administrative and other operating expenses




Operating cost:income ratio




10.The following table sets forth a reconciliation of profit after tax to "adjusted profit after tax" for the 6 months to 30 September 2022, 2021 and year to 31 March 2022. Underlying operating profit mean operating profit before the impact of non-underlying items within operating profit.

The reconciliation of operating profit to underlying operating profit is as follows:

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22




Reported (loss)/profit after tax




Write back of complaints provision




Senior secured note buyback




Securitisation fees




Tax provision release




Tax refund due




Less tax impact




Adjusted (loss)/profit after tax




The above items were all excluded due to their exceptional nature. The Directors believe that adjusting for these items is useful in making year-on-year comparisons.

·     Write back of the complaints provision is due to cash redress liability being reduced to the £97.0m contribution as per the Scheme.

·     Senior secured note redemption adjustments relate to the accelerated bond cost and premium write off triggered by the early bond redemption in January 2022. Senior secured note buybacks are not underlying business-as-usual transactions.

·     Following the renegotiation of the securitisation facility on 14 August 2020 a substantial modification of the facility occurred; as such all previous capitalised fees relating to the facility have been written off. This has been adjusted for above as it was a one-off event in the period.

·     The tax provision release refers to the release of a tax provision no longer required. These adjustments result in a tax charge for the year despite the large loss-making position as at 31 March 2021 and hence have been adjusted for in the calculation.

None of the above are business-as-usual transactions. Hence, removing these items is deemed to give a view of underlying profit adjusting for non-business-as-usual items within the financial year. In the six months ended 30 Sep 2022, there are no adjustments to the profit after tax figure as no one off transaction existed, hence reported PAT is the same as Adjusted PAT.

11." Return on assets" ("ROA")refers to annualised profit after tax as a percentage of average assets. Return on assets (ROA) measures how efficiently the Company is earning profit from their economic resources or assets on their balance sheet.

Return on assets

30 Sep 22

30 Sep 21

31 Mar 22




(Loss)/profit after tax




Customer loans and receivables at period and year end




Other receivables and current assets at period and year end




Cash and cash equivalents at period and year end








Average assets




Return on assets (annualised)




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