Amaroq Minerals Ltd. has announced the confirmation of a high-grade extension of the Target Block at the Nalunaq mine in Southern Greenland. The underground samples beyond the historically mined areas of the Target Block have revealed the continuation of high-grade mineralization into the modelled extension area, with grades of up to 48.3g/t Au over 1m. Additionally, the newly discovered 75 Vein has shown further confidence in its thickness and continuity.

The VP Exploration, James Gilbertson, highlighted the significance of the underground exploration program, stating that it has enabled the identification of further resource and mining potential at Nalunaq. The channel results have demonstrated the continuity of high-grade mineralization at the Target Block beyond the last historic stopes, de-risking the designed underground rehabilitation and exploration program aimed at advancing additional development faces. This is expected to help the company progress towards its target production rate of 300tpd and increase the overall contained resource.

The results from underground channel sampling across three levels within the Target Block have confirmed the high-grade nature of the area, extending into previously unmined areas with grades of up to 48.3g/t Au over 1m. As a result, Amaroq intends to commence underground drilling aimed at developing a second mining face at Nalunaq with a potential strike extension of up to 775m. Additionally, further samples have confirmed the continuity of the newly discovered 75 Vein, with grades of up to 256g/t Au over 0.5m reported in the 2023 Nalunaq drilling campaign.

The discovery of the extension of the Main Vein beyond the last stope within the western areas of the Target Block has triggered a new robust underground channel sampling program. The results from this program have corroborated the historical chip channel samples and confirmed the high-grade mineralization, with new assays of up to 48.3g/t Au over 1m. This has provided significant confidence to proceed with further commercial mining along the strike. Amaroq will now complete the design of a rehabilitation and underground drilling and sampling program targeting this area, with the aim of providing sufficient confidence to allow for the mine design and scheduling in the Target Block extension as the second development face at Nalunaq.

The comprehensive underground exploration program has provided valuable insights into the potential of the Nalunaq mine, and Amaroq Minerals Ltd. is poised to leverage these findings to advance its mining operations and increase its overall contained resource.