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New podcast episodes

June 2023

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Award-winning technology investing from the heart of the industry

Why invest in ATT?

  • The strategy is managed by a deeply experienced portfolio management team who have over 100 years of collective experience managing technology strategies**
  • High conviction concentrated portfolio
  • Winner of the Investment Week Investment Company of the Year Award (Specialist) from 2017 to 2021.*

The big business of cyber crime

  • In this latest podcast, portfolio manager Mike Seidenberg and stand-in host Jon Cronin focus in on the topic of cybersecurity. The team look at what the implications are to us all in our daily lives, but also how this impacts businesses, corporations, and governments. With huge criminal enterprises emerging and nation states weaponising cyber-attacks, just how big is the problem?
  • To listen in, click on the thumbnail or click here

Cyber-crime-fighters capes not required!

  • Picking up where the previous podcast episode left off, portfolio manager Mike Seidenberg and host Jon Cronin dive a little deeper on the topic of cybersecurity. Which companies are championing the fight-back, what should investors be thinking about in that sector, and how does cyber security stack up alongside other areas within tech?
  • To listen in, click on the thumbnail or click here

*Past performance does not predict future returns.

**From 25 July 2022, discretionary portfolio management services formerly provided to Allianz Technology Trust PLC (the Company) by Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI) have been delegated to Voya Investment Management Co. LLC (Voya IM). All members of the former AllianzGI Global Technology Team transferred to Voya IM and continue to manage the Companys portfolio. It is anticipated that there will be no change to the investment process. AllianzGI will remain the Companys AIFM (Alternative Investment Fund Manager), providing company secretarial, administration and sales and marketing services.

Active is:

With regards,

Allianz Global Investors UK Limited

199 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 3TY
Freephone (UK calls only): 0800 389 4696
Email: [email protected]

Investment Insights from Silicon Valley

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