Allergy Therapeutics PLC has announced the successful passing of all resolutions proposed at its 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM, held on March 8, 2024, saw the approval of various resolutions, including the 2023 accounts, directors' remuneration report, and the re-election of directors. The results of the proxy votes received ahead of the meeting were outlined, demonstrating strong shareholder support for the proposed resolutions.

The AGM approved the 2023 accounts with 100% of the votes in favor, reflecting a high level of confidence in the company's financial reporting. Additionally, the re-election of directors, including Mary Tavener, Tunde Otulana, Manuel Llobet, Cheryl MacDiarmid, and Peter Jensen O.B.E., received overwhelming support from shareholders, with the vast majority of votes in favor of their re-election.

Furthermore, the AGM approved the re-appointment of BDO LLP as auditors of the company, as well as authorized the directors to agree on the auditors' remuneration. The shareholders also granted authority to the directors to allot the unissued share capital up to a specific amount and to issue warrants, among other resolutions.

The passing of these resolutions at the AGM underscores the strong support and confidence of Allergy Therapeutics' shareholders in the company's leadership, financial reporting, and strategic decisions. The successful outcome of the AGM reflects a positive outlook for the company's future endeavors and its commitment to transparent governance and shareholder value.

For further information, investors and media can contact Manuel Llobet, Chief Executive Officer, and Shaun Furlong, Chief Financial Officer, or the company's investor relations and media relations contacts at Panmure Gordon and ICR Consilium, respectively.

About Allergy Therapeutics: Allergy Therapeutics is a fully integrated specialty pharmaceutical group specializing in allergy vaccines, dedicated to the development and commercialization of innovative treatments for allergies.